
Gardening: Life on the Balcony

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How was your weekend? After months of being holed up in the house on weekends, we had a great time on Saturday.

The title for this post, “Life on the Balcony“, is a term I’ve borrowed from Fern Richardson of the award winning blog on container gardening. I’m surprised how I’ve missed this blog for so long. Worth reading every post.

Last Friday afternoon was well spent cleaning up the balcony, scrubbing the floors, rearranging the pots and re-potting some  creepers with a lot of help from my five-year-old son. Did I mention that we started using used coconut shells as a seedling tray? Worked well for dhania and other herbs. The ratio has shifted generously towards vegetables and herbs in our garden now – betel leaf, curry leaf, tomatoes, tulsi , spinach and coriander.

Anyways, what prompted me to write this post was an awesome balcony I saw on the way to Leb Mex restaurant in Lavelle Road while walking from Visweswaraya Museum. I wasn’t sure of taking a picture of the potted flowering  plants on the balcony of a first floor apartment (a huge one, if I must say).  What stood out was the way the brown colored rectangular potters were “clipped on” to the railing; the uniformity of the pots and the non-messy way (no welding) they held to the railings was impressive. Does anyone know where I can find one of those in Bangalore?

Image courtesy: Timberpress and Life on the balcony

It resembled something like the one in the picture below:

Image courtesy: Adjustable railing planters

Image courtesy: Self mounting planter

This arrangement with no screws or brackets makes it pleasing to the eye. Saves a lot of floor space and gives the much needed sunlight to plants that balconies are usually deprived of.   How have you lined up your flowering plants on the balcony?



  1. Hi, You can try My sunny balcony or green Essence for such hanging pots. Nice blog


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