Day 2: Clean kids bedroom closet

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When my son was young, I would marvel at his room for he kept it clean and organized, despite his fancy for puzzles. Many of his toys like the remote-controlled helicopter, puzzles, building blocks, or the pull-along Snoopy are in perfect working condition even now.

Given that his interests are evolving from complex origami to reading, his room is far from picture perfect. And I’m perfectly okay with it so long you clean up once in a while.

How to organize the closet:

The cleaning routine is the same as we saw for the master bedroom: EMPTY – DUST – SORT – PURGE – KEEP.

The purge bag was relatively small today as I regularly check and donate clothes and shoes that don’t fit anymore. Moreover, his clothes inventory is really small. Some kids just outgrow clothes too soon, so I buy once in 4-6 months than stock that wont fit in a few weeks.

How I organize my son’s room:

  • Lots and lots of drawers with internal partitions: this is where I sort different uniforms, inner wear, stationery, souvenirs etc. Makes it easy to access.
  • Open shelving for books for easy access.
  • Baskets to store blocks and legos.
  • All board games within reach.
  • There are small book shelves all around the house apart from the library. So whatever we are reading currently is often found either by the bedside in our rooms or in the living.





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