Luxe moment: Join me as I can’t stop crushing over poster beds

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Luxe moment: Join me as I can’t stop crushing over poster beds

Hola! Let’s begin with a small activity, shall we?

If you are at home, walk up to your bedroom. Plonk yourself on the bed.

Who do you love the most in this world?

Close your eyes. Take your time to think.

Who was it? Let me guess: was it your parents, child, spouse?






I was expecting, “Myself”. As in you. Now, look around, do you feel happy in this most private space of yours? Is it a reflection of what you love?

Often, the space that is the most private to us gets lost in the race with the rest of the house. This space requires constant attention and revamping just as we grow and transform over the years. I believe our tastes in books, people, food, fashion finetune themselves with age.

This post is a reflection of how I perceive this space to be. Unveiling the secrets to regale look which is hygge at the same time.

poster bed

poster bed

poster bed

poster bed

poster bed

poster bed

poster bed

poster bed


Image courtesy: 1: insideroom, 6: dominomag, 7: repinly via HomeCanvas, rest from goodhomesmagazine


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