An Incredibly Vibrant, Palace-Inspired Bungalow in Agra

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An Incredibly Vibrant, Palace-Inspired Bungalow in Agra

This 4-bedroom bungalow in Agra wears colours on its sleeves walls with ruthless confidence that will keep you riveted – wanting to stop, and turn back again and again. Designed by Varija Bajaj for a family of three, in an age of contemporary homes, it’s not often you come across a Indian house that is innately so colourful, ornate, and decked up as if it is Diwali tomorrow. The timing seems just about right to feature this home.

If it’s not a bit of a stretch, I’d associated some parts of the house synonymous to the grandeur of a palace. Loosely executed palatial inspirations can look shabby, but this one pulls off its regal look with finesse.

About the project:

Who lives here: Mr Vinay Awtani, his elder sister Manisha Awtani and his mother.

Location: Agra

Year built: 2018

Size: 250 sq yard

Type: Bungalow comprising 4 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms

Designed by: Varija Bajaj for VARIJA HOME

Vinay Awtani’s family moved from Etawah to Agra and wanted to build their dream home with the aesthetics and opulence of a palatial home / haveli look, but with the comforts of a modern home. Vinay connected with Varija Home for their expertise in handcraft to design his family home.

He gave the designers a free hand to design and execute the house. The house was actually supposed to be a surprise for other family members by Mr. Awtani. Varija says, “so, on one hand there was no interference, but on the other hand there were no inputs either. We had to design the hose like our own considering every need and challenge met in a household.”

Lounge + Living + Dining

This lounge area is a stunner making the home adorn a festive look throughout the year. Varija says,

Just like an artists canvas we loved playing and creating every bit of this lounging space on the first floor. From stencil paint on the walls, handcrafted upholstery, handmade Epoxy tables with their centre matching the turq upholstery, lamps custom created with a French lace, chequered Italian flooring to this beautiful Bougainville wall paper, we loved creating it all.

The lounge area with Bougainvilla wallpaper with matching accent chairs, turquoise upholstered sofa - it's about as royal as it gets.
The lounge area with Bougainvilla wallpaper with matching accent chairs, turquoise upholstered sofa – it’s about as royal as it gets. The chequered floors play along transporting one into the marvelous yester years. The wallpaper is from INDIA CIRCUS.

It is said, “colors are the least expensive thing to put in a house”. How true!
Varija explains that adding colors to things is akin to adding enthusiasm to our lives. So they brought in maximum colours in the living room through hand painted niches enhanced with gold foil. The upholstery colors in deep pink infuses life into the otherwise dead space.

Hand painted wall niches in turquoise color with gold foil bring in colour to the living space.
Hand painted wall niches in turquoise color with gold foil bring in colour to the living space.
The compact dining adjoining the living reinforces the turquoise + pink theme.
The compact dining adjoining the living reinforces the turquoise + pink theme.


Jewel tone bedroom
Jewel tone bedroom

The monthe’rs room is predominantly decorated in shades of pastels and neutral tones.

Mother's bedroom in pastel shades of green, and pink with gold tones.
Mother’s bedroom in pastel shades of green, and pink with gold tones.

Varija took the cues from what Mr. Awtani casually mentioned in one of their conversations to design this room. He’d mentioned that he would have loved to live in a haveli with a palatial old world charm rather in cities which are so cramped, cut throat, mechanical and lack emotions…and the designers knew what they had to do.  

From a post bed made in hard teak wood, handcrafted Lamps, carved door light installation above the bed, a colonial style study desk to rich silk embroidered upholstery…this bed room’s style was inspired by the lifestyle of rajas and the maharajas. 

A four post bed made in hard teak wood with a rich wallpaper behind flanked by handcrafted lamps. This room is befitting and a tribute to the style of the royals.
A four post bed made in hard teak wood with a rich wallpaper behind flanked by handcrafted lamps. This room is befitting of and a tribute to the style of the royals.


Ease of maintenance was a primary concern when designing the terrace space. Varija says,” they say that children and homes reflect the kind of care they get. In a busy city life we rarely get time for either. When we were  planning this space on a terrace balcony for our client, we were sure to make this hassle free.”

But, the designer did not want this to be at the cost of colour, art and quality. What came to their rescue were these colourful handmade tiles on the steps and under the pergola infusing life into the space that is perfect for an evening of entertaining.

Colourful step risers ~ handmade tiles~ on the terrace
Colourful step risers ~ handmade tiles~ on the terrace
Handmade tiles and pergola in the terrace perfect for an evening of socialising
Handmade tiles and pergola in the terrace perfect for an evening of socialising

Product Sources

Lights: Phillips, Syska

Paints: Asian Paint

Furnishings: D’ Décor, VARIJA HOME


Dining table: VARIJA HOME

Flooring tiles: KAJARIA

Furniture in living/family room: VARIJA HOME


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