[RESOLVED] How can i decorate home on a budget?« Back to Questions List

We live in a rental home. Can you suggest me simple ways to decorate my temporary home by spending less?
Posted by Lakshmi
Asked on 6:21 am

Invest in good furnishings like curtains, rugs, and cushions. These you can take wherever you go and are easy to transport. But the impact is big. Apart from these, one other thing is to get pictures of your family framed in different sizes and make a gallery wall. These again you can take wherever you go. And it adds a more personal touch. You can use modas as side tables to keep vases or table lamps if you don’t want to invest in wood side tables. Tip: lay the frame son the ground to see what arrangement you like before drilling holes. You can also get a hand written quote framed if you don’t want to frame pictures.

Posted by Lakshmi
Answered On 6:24 am