Continuing with my series on financial awareness, this post is all you need to be wise about when and how to apply for home loans, take advantage of the movement in interest rates, and keep your spending in check. So, shall we get you one step closer to moving into your dream home? As I sit in my home office and look out the window, I see a couple in their late 30s, prospective home owners touring an adjoining house for sale. When I see this couple, it takes me back to our fortuitous moment one Sunday evening four years ago when we saw this house for the first time. It was love at first sight. But, that’s not enough to buy a house, is it? It takes tons of money, saving, and astute planning these days. I sit here reminiscing those days of meticulous planning when we were trying to sell…
Today, I decided to take a break from pretty pictures and share with you all what I have learnt…