To put the importance of a secure house into perspective, let me take you back to one night in August 2002. Recently married, my husband and I we had just moved into a new house in a slightly secluded neighborhood. Before you let your thoughts run amok, I must clarify that the concrete jungle that has transformed Bangalore’s lush greenscape and skyline was nowhere in sight then. Which meant most of us lived as tenants in individual houses. It was a newly built house with my husband and I on the first floor and a second family on the ground floor. The first floor part we rented was previously rented by our friends; it was close to work, and more importantly, fit the bill. So, I reluctantly agreed to move to this part of town. Little did I know then that the husband would travel. Often. Like ten months a year. So, when my husband…
Have you ever been to a workshop related to cooking/gardening? Even I hadn’t and didn’t know what to expect.…