


It will be July in two days. We’d planned a trip to the backwaters of Kerala last weekend but some good friends advised it would be best to stay away from the region during monsoon. But, but, whatever happened to the rains this year. As I write this, it’s bright and sunny in Bangalore. I love sitting in my modest balcony more than in any other part of the house. So, I’m thinking why not give the outdoors a makeover?

What’s your style? Sassy and chic, or a comfortable and laid-back one; neither style scores over another. It’s a personal choice.

If you are nuts about colors, then this one is for you. Nature does most of the decking up with the never ending greens. Throw in a red carpet and some colorful cushions – lighter on the purse to get the most rejuvenating environment, what do you think ?

Given the high pollution levels, it’s intimidating to think of an outdoorsy all-white decor like this one in Bangalore. Nevertheless, can’t stop salivating over the different shades of white accentuated by the potted greens in this picture.