Appearing for the big exam calls for a brief hiatus from the blog every time. Now that it’s over, the quant-analytical brain can be given a rest to indulge in the simple pleasures of life. And for me, it always starts soaking up images with a riot of colors. For three months, the BBC Good Homes magazine piled up waiting to be opened on June 6. Without fail, I did that yesterday and loved the recent issue the most for two reasons – it has dozens of ideas to decorate kids spaces and practical tips on gardening.
If you remember, I hand painted my son’s bunk bed last summer. The project is not complete and I intend to finish it now.For the benefit of international readers, I’m posting pictures from the issue.
Letting kids paint the pots is actually a brilliant idea. This summer vacation, I let my son paint all the diyas and pots with no instructions. Just let his imagination flow and you’d be surprised at the results. Shall post soon.