Do you love the city you live in now? Can you guess which city is featured in the image above? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of your city? A few mornings ago, it was well before 6:00 a.m. I woke up to the loud chirping of birds; it was as if all of them congregated by the Eucalyptus trees overlooking our house and decided to have a happy conversation. A family function, perhaps I thought:)? This went on for a while, but I couldn’t complain for it was definitely sweeter than waking up to the blaring horns. I live in Bangalore; the city is not the same as it was two decades ago. Which city is? Snail-paced traffic, garbage dumps, potholes, unprecedented growth, and erratic has taking a turn for the worse. But, when asked if I would be willing to move to…
People are willing to go to great lengths to give their homes a unique look. Identical furniture, similar accessories have flooded the market. And the ease of buying them online means either your home looks like a page from a catalog or similar to dozens of other homes. Custom furnishings have the power to transform the looks of a home on a minimal budget while giving it a one-of-a-kind look.
This is what Vaaso does. I met the lovely ladies from Vaaso at Sampoorn Santhe held at Chitrakala Parishat a few weeks back. The stall stood out for its block printed fabrics in electrifying colors like fuchsia, cobalt blue. You know how some stalls draw the attention of passersby because there is someone bargaining hard and loud for something. That was the case here. There was this gentleman accompanied by his family bargaining hard for a block printed table lamp. Anyways, I was happy to have stopped by.
We’ve been apartment hunting for the past two months. The apartment where we live currently has more pluses than minuses: practical utilization of space within the apartment, ample lighting and cross-ventilation, large rooms, functional amenities within the property, great location for public transport, highly convenient for groceries, reputed schools within a 3 Km radius, hospitals, well-maintained public parks, and is safe. The only reason we’re looking to move is because I would like to have a small space for indulging my green thumb and more open area for our son to play. Having looked at 27 odd old and new apartments/row houses/villas over 8 weeks, we’re on the verge of taking a break now. This would be our second apartment, so the expectations are high. And, it’s a little strange but true that we will need to spend double the price of our current apartment to get a new one, and still not get one which is satisfactory.
But, I’m very glad we did this exercise for I’ve learned a lesson or two in design by looking at all those tastefully decorated model apartments. Those perfect living spaces got me thinking: what if we spend just a fraction of the amount set aside for buying a new house and transform the interiors of the apartment we live in currently? We may fall in love with this place all over again…who knows? I may find new ways to pursue gardening indoors – with more varieties of houseplants in balcony, indoors and the utility area.
Have you ever fallen for a property with a bad floor plan but great model apartment? There was this apartment which had a kitchen to your left as soon as you entered and another one that opened to a guest bedroom. So, I prefer seeing the floor plan first before falling for the interiors.
If you are planning to design the interiors of your new apartment or redoing the one where you live in, here are few tips that could be of help:
1. Replace the rods. Or better yet, hide them if you can, like in the picture above.
2.Take the curtains all the way up to the ceiling. High curtains give the illusion of high ceiling. If you have a false ceiling, the top of the curtains can go behind.
3. Try sheer curtains for contemporary/modern furniture and heavy silk curtains for solid wood/teak/antique furniture.
4. Experiment with different fabric/material like a old silk sari or bright cotton sari/dupatta to make a blind or curtain.