It’s late Sunday afternoon. I’m sure most of you are excited and exhausted by Diwali preparations and shopping. Making sweets is not a very elaborate affair here. So, I just made a couple dozen gulab jamuns and lemon cake (for a change). Will be making rawa ladoo, coconut barfi and some savory tomorrow.
Have you picked up this month’s edition BBC GoodHome yet? It arrived in mail earlier this month, and one look of it felt like it was a collector’s copy. Beautiful in every way and packed with hundreds of ideas. I haven’t seen such a idea-filled copy in a really long time. Every page is worth devouring (I know not the right choice of word) , but that’s exactly how I felt. The staging, styling of home and ideas were very creatively executed. Don’t know if they have any images online but check out their FB page.
I usually look for Rangoli ideas a day or two before and assumed you must be doing the same too. Some rangoli ideas for you from GH Diwali contest: