


This is a beautiful illustration of before and after transformation of a bare wall. Shrutilaya has hand-painted this amazing …. to bring this wall to life. Gifted are those eyes and skilful those hands that saw the potential of this blank wall by the dining. Shrutilaya dons many hats as a DIY enthusiast, interior stylist and painter. Her hand-drawn botanical mural transforms this bare wall into something magical giving it a new lease of life. She takes it to another level by juxtaposing two shelves with real plants using the mural as a backdrop. Sheer brilliance. I’ll step aside to let you revel in the images, draw some inspiration, and see if you can elevate your walls to another level. While we are taking about walls, this is something you may want to check out: How to cover an ugly wall in a rental HOW TO HAND PAINT A WALL A…