
lime scale deposits


Gross alert: there’s a lot of stomach-churning description in this post. So, in jest, please be warned that this is not for the faint-hearted. this post talks about how to remove hard water scales and shine your bathrooms with one awesome product. Bonus: No elbow grease. Strands of hair. Ewwww…. Lime scale build up. Not a pretty sight. Discolored tiles: disgusting! Dirty foot marks. Gross and wet. Slimy! Not a tough one to guess what part of the house you will be cleaning today. Today, as we clean one of the nastiest parts of the house, I realize this is also one I find the most pleasure in after it is done. One of the delights of a vacation is to wake up each morning to a shining bathroom, and someone else does the cleaning. How nice! My latest fetish is to see the professionals in action as they clean the bathrooms time and again. First, when…