


Good Morning! How was your weekend? It was quite a hectic one here, but in a nice way.

Have you ever stopped in the middle of a street to click something interesting? I’m guessing you have countless times, if you are a blogger!  Even, otherwise, there are so many amazing glimpses any city has to offer.  And, one such is graffiti. Last night, I was watching “Ten things to see before you say bye  to Melbourne” on NDTV Good Times.  One of the spots I got hooked onto was Hosier Lane. You’ve got to see the images to believe it. It’s a concoction of some pleasant and wild images, colorful and monochromatic ones,  from calming images of Ganehsa to disturbing ones like Heath Ledger’s portrayal of Joker in the Dark Knight, and personalities and places. But, in all, I loved what I saw and is definitely one of the things I’d like to see before I say bye.  The best or worst part is that the art keeps changing – what you see this month may not be around the next time you go visiting.

Graffiti is often considered as vandalism and seen in bad taste; so, the art is done swiftly in a clandestine manner.  But, there are quite a few meaningful ones executed brilliantly in good taste -ones that make you stop in your tracks and makes you click pictures. Closer home, in Bangalore, I spotted these on the walls of Max Mueller Bhavan at Indira Nagar.

If not for this visual treatise, these walls would have been home to movie or political posters or a message like “please do not stick posters.”